Health & Safety
Ensuring health & safety for all
Medicinal plant products are for adults over the age of 21 in California. We’re sure you know that, but a little reminder can go a long way. Here are a few tips to ensure that your plant medicine experience is safe. This wonderfully natural medicine has been crafted for the ultimate medicinal experience, and it deserves your educated participation. Take a few moments to read the information below.
Enjoy in a private and relaxed setting. It’s against California law to consume medicinal plants in any public place and against Federal law to consume on Federal land or facilities. If staying in a hotel or rental property, check management regulations.
We suggest that you’re well-hydrated, well-rested, and well-nourished. Other than that, you’re good to go!
We get it - you like the product, but there’s a time and a place! It’s worth knowing how long each product lasts.
Edibles: Generally 6 to 8 hours, depending on the serving size and individual’s metabolism.
Flowers: Generally varies between 2 to 4 hours.
Edibles: Onset varies from person to person. It could take as little as 30 minutes or as long as 2 hours.
Flowers: Plan for 5-10 minutes until onset.
Woah, now, don’t get too hasty. We want you to enjoy this.
For edibles, it’s good to know the total mgs per “piece”. Often times, and because of the slower onset, some eat more than needed, thinking that it hasn’t kicked in yet. Be patient, know your limits, and the experience will come.
For smoking, know the number of draws you want to start with. It’s always best to start small and take your time.
If you’ve taken the proper measures, this will be an experience that will heal and revitalize. Once you’ve established your personal baseline, you will provide yourself with the opportunity to experiment safely in the future.
- For edibles, take no more than 10 mg. If you think you’ll be sensitive, start with 5 mg.
- For flowers, take no more than 1-2 draws. You can always build-up from there down the road.
- “One and Done”: Let your serving size run its course. Don’t try to amplify the high immediately by doing more.
Seems simple. It is.
The road to legalizing medicinal plants in California has been long and arduous. It is imperative that we all do our part to ensure that we’re responsible and educated. We’ve been provided with the opportunity to set an example for other states and communities to follow. We trust that you’ll give us a hand.
That said, please know that we are committed to upholding the law and we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who is suspected of purchasing or passing-on it on illegally. We ask that you do not partake in this behavior, and that you do not provide products to minors under the age of 18. It just isn’t right.
Clean Green Delivery™️ is proud of the work we’ve done with educators, business leaders, and local residents to establish guidelines for responsible medicinal plant consumption. We appreciate and respect the relationships we’ve created, and we’re looking forward to maintaining one with you.
From all of us at Clean Green Delivery™️, thank you for your assistance, and thank you for opening your door to a safe and premium plant medicine experience!
Do not make these products available to minors (e.g. under age 21).
It is against California law to transfer medicinal plant products to minors.
The most frequent cause of over-serving oneself is taking an additional serving and/or mixing with alcohol. The effects, especially with edibles, are subtle at the onset. With edibles, establish a moderate baseline serving for yourself before increasing your serving size.
“You can always serve yourself more at another time. But, once you have over-served yourself, you can’t consume less!”
This is a friendly note from our attorneys asking you to use common sense:
The information contained in this website is for educational and general information purposes only, and should not be construed as medical, legal or related professional advice. We make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information contained herein or the products referenced for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. You are encouraged to use good judgment when applying the information contained herein, and to seek advice from a qualified professional if, and as, needed. The information and guidelines in this website are intended to encourage and support responsible use of medicinal plants. As always, in the event of a medical or other emergency, call 911 immediately. Possessing and growing medicinal plants is illegal under federal laws and may not be legal in some jurisdictions. We do not advocate breaking the law.
- It’s suggested that you buy from a retailer who controls their supply chain from seed to sale. Someone that your cousin knows may not be the best choice. That said, an organic product that is devoid of pesticides, grown by horticulturists who take pride in an all-natural and Vegan menu, will ensure your clean and high quality flowers.
- We recommend you know and research the milligrams of each serving size for each individual product. Just know that we’re happy to answer any questions about our menu, should you have them.
- Buy only what you need. This is a medicinal plant, after all.
- Check out the 6 steps above and this link for some quick and easy to follow consumption methods. It’s also suggested that you keep a journal to track serving sizes, amount consumed, timing, and effects. Put in a little bit of work, and you’ll be happy with the results.
- After consuming, please don’t drive a motor vehicle, operate equipment, or engage in any activity that may endanger yourself or others. We get that life can be pretty exciting, but we trust that you’ll make the right decision.
- Don’t carry an “open container” in your vehicle or in public. Even with the new law in place we want to make sure your relationship with LAPD remains status quo.
- Mixing alcohol, or any other drug, with medicinal plants will alter its effects to potentially dangerous standards. We’ve put the work in to produce a wonderful product, and for your safety, strongly suggest against mixing substances.
- Please keep your possessions in a secure and safe place at all times - especially away from minors. If in a hotel, please keep these products in the room’s safe.
- It is illegal to take these products out of state. You don't want to leave California with any of your medication.
- Don’t possess more than you are legally allowed to possess. In California: Maximum order is 2 ounces or 16 concentrates or 20 edibles or an equal combination of those items/quantities.
- Dispose of unused product responsibly before leaving the state.